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Understanding memory diplomacy
“I wanna be the me I wanna be!” Changing Depictions of Transgender Characters in Manga
Bible Backed Statecraft: Religion as a Political Force in Brazil during the Presidency of Jair Messias Bolsonaro
The Construction of Different Realities
The Eternal Victim: Victimization as Myth in the South Korea-Japan Trade Dispute
Deliver us from Pegasus
Power of Aesthetic Politics and Photography in Creation of Political and Public Narratives
Epistemic Awakening: vipaśyanā meditation to do International Relations differently.
Emotion as a Political Tool in the Commemoration of 9/11
Memory, Trauma, Identity
The Bologna Process as a Form of Linguistic Neo-imperialism? The Intricacies of the English Language in European Higher Education
Becoming Maronite
Climate Accountability in Media Framing of Climate Migrants
The Construction Of ‘Clan’ in the Diaspora
Indonesia’s changing Position on sexuality and gender identity rights
The Politics of Music
Post-Monetarism and Rethinking Finland's Universal Basic Income Trial
Progress, politeness, or suppression? An examination of the term ‘Political Correctness’.
Sharing history and heritage with Indonesia and Suriname: A postcolonial discourse in Dutch heritage diplomacy?
China's Vision for Global Governance: A Community of Shared Future for Mankind (CSFM)
Politics first, laughter second? President Trump's border wall and the popular geopolitics of televised late-night political satire in the United States
The "Nation" in Military Education: A Case Study on the Link between the ROTC and Nation-building, Nationalism, and National Identity in the Philippines
The Colombian-U.S. Relation in an Era of Global Terrorism: A Discursive Analysis of Plan Colombia Prior to and After 9/11
Criminalizing Refugees: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Narratives on Forced Migration
