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  • (-) = European Union Studies
  • (-) ≠ Cusumano, Eugenio

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(1 - 24 of 261)


The EU Democracy Promotion in Russia: A Missed Opportunity?
Migration as a Bargaining Tool: Turkish Migration Diplomacy with the European Union
The evolution of Frontex and its portrayal in European media
Unity in Diversity: The controversial application of differentiated integration in European security and defense policies and the impact of American influence
A Case of Policy Dismantling?: A Comparative Study of the Evolution of the EU's Nature Conservation and Air Quality Policies
A New Age of Trade Union Cooperation – Analysing European Trade Unions’ Digitalisation Strategies
Can You Fetch the Coffee Please?
Businesses and the European Union’s geo-economic awakening
The judicial dialogue in the European Union
To Deviate or Not to Deviate, that is the Question
Amplifying Voices, Advancing Equality: The Role of the European Women's Lobby in Brussels
Big Wahala or No Wahala? Self-Conceptions and Expectations of the EU’s Role in Democracy Promotion in Nigeria
A comparative analysis on the evolution of framing in Dutch media with regards to Albania’s European Union (EU) enlargement process.
The JCPOA, its failure, and European foreign policy
Correcting Structural Asymmetry through Political Action? A Research on the Political Drivers behind the Momentum for Minimum Wage Legislation in the European Union
From Headlines to Policy: Exploring the Interplay between Media Salience, Interest Group Strategies and Policy - A Case Study of CCS in the Netherlands
Which Opinions about the EU Led to Voting against Ukraine?
An Allied Perspective on the News Coverage of Military Aid Towards Ukraine:
Abortion Rights in the European Union
Hydrogen Dreams and European Schemes: Examining the Place of the European Union in the Dutch Hydrogen Economy
Exploring Regional Divides: A Comparative Discourse Analysis of the AfD's Communication in East and West German Federal States
Two Sides of the Same Coin: The Relationship Between Left- and Right- Wing Newspapers in the Brexit Debate
Small States in the European Union: The Case of Slovakia
