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  • (-) = European Union Studies
  • (-) ≠ Gerrits, André
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The evolution of EU policy towards content hosted by social network sites
Spitzenkandidaten and the Democratic Deficit: How has the Rise and Repudiation of the Spitzenkandidaten Impacted the EU's Perceived Democratic Deficit between 2014 & 2019?
Towards Equal Sharing of Care? A Review of the Influence of the European Pillar of Social Rights on Work-Life Balance Policy
The impact of the downing of Flight MH17 on Dutch foreign policy towards Russia
A changing playing field: European interinstitutional relationships and the negotiating positions for climate conferences
Causes of the European Union accession criteria tightening in the context of the Western Balkan enlargement
The Europeanization of the Fiscal Compact: How the Fiscal Compact affected the domestic fiscal frameworks in Germany, Spain and the Netherlands
Promoting Renewable Energy Sources: Road Towards the EU 2020 Targets - The Cases of France and Italy
Inter-Institutional Rivalry and the Spitzenkandidaten Experiment: Analysing the 2014-2019 Inter-Election Period and Understanding the Non-Implementation of the Spitzenkandidaten System in 2019
A Front Row Multilateralist. On German parliamentary justifications for a more assertive defence policy
The Appointment of the High Representative: A Balancing Exercise at the Highest Level of the EU
It's all in the name. Dutch parliamentary influence on the proposal for a European Labour Authority
Language Politics in the EU-China Dialogue: Discourse as a meeting point between ‘East’ and ‘West’ in a new world order
The European Union in International Climate Negotiations: EU actorness, internal dynamics and leadership strategies
The revision of the EU’s Blue Card Directive and its competitiveness against the national high-skilled migration schemes
The regional economic and political effects of the EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) in the ECOWAS and SADC countries
The 2015 Syrian Refugee Crisis and its Impact on German Politics
Developing Cross-Border Cooperation: The Euroregion Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino and the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation
The MPCC - A historical analysis of its creation
Computational Propaganda Threatening Democracy in the EU - A Mixed-method Analysis of european Right-wing News Outlets on Instagram in 2019
European migration policy at crossroads - A legal appraisal of proposed regional disembarkation arrangements in the Mediterranean.
Balancing border control with human rights obligations in the EU asylum and migration policy. The case of the EU-Turkey Statement
The Netherlands and the role of national parliaments in the EU - a debate about democracy in the Dutch House of Representatives from Maastricht to Lisbon
