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  • (-) = Global Conflict in the Modern Era
  • (-) ≠ Prof.dr. I.G.B.M. Duijvesteijn
  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
  • (-) ≠ Duyvesteyn, I.G.B.M

Search results

(97 - 120 of 323)


The Normative Silk Road?
Redefining Disability by Committee
Understanding the nature of a rising political phenomenon
Change of the Arctic Narrative: From Exceptionalism to Jacksonianism.
The BRI in the CEEC: A new form of neo-colonialism in the 21st century?
Policy shifts and discursive Modi-fications: An exploration of India’s foreign policy discourses on Palestine and Israel since 1998
What Factors Influence the Choice by Radical Islamic Non-State Armed Groups (Boko Haram) to Use Female Child Soldiers in Combat as Suicide Bombers?
Turkey striving for status recognition: The role of emotions in the diplomatic dispute between Turkey and Germany in the time 2016- 2018
Trading with the Frenemy
Wielding the Gladio: political and strategic role of the stay-behind network in Italy during the first years of the Cold War
Predicting War: Assessing the Viability of the Offense-Defense Theory
Top-down and Bottom-up: Struggles over Collective Memory in Argentina during the Kirchner Administrations (2003-2015)
Labour exploitation in the Chinese garment industry despite the human rights regime
“Why do PRC’s attempt at online disinformation deteriorate Taiwanese’s perception of China regarding the cross-strait issue?”
The many faces of security along the Belt and Road
"To Make Live and Let Die" Drone Warfare and the Expansion of the Necropolitical
Memory and Oblivion
U.S. Human Rights Discourses on North Korea
"We can say big things"
Cycles of Violence
Conflict Management, Ethnicity, and Religion
“We want neither a war that kills us nor a peace that subordinates us.”: The role of women in the Havana Peace Negotiations (2012-2016)
Major Change
To the stars and beyond: the role of the private space industry in securitizing outer space
