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  • (-) = Global Conflict in the Modern Era
  • (-) ≠ Smith, K.
  • (-) ≠ Chang, V.K.
  • (-) ≠ Warnecke, A.U.

Search results

(73 - 96 of 317)


Clashing Peacebuilding Imperatives? A Discourse Analysis of UNMISS Promotion of Local Peacebuilding and Women’s Participation in Peacebuilding in South Sudan
Plan Colombia and the Neoliberalisation of Life
Weapons of War? - Debating the Practice of Sexualized Violence Perpetrated by Islamist Terror Organizations
Loyal allies or threats to the polity?
Finding the Foxes: An Analysis of Cognitive Styles used by Experts in International Relations
Power in the Blue Nile Basin: The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and Ethiopian Counter-hegemony against Egypt
Dark Personalities in Power
The limits of securitization: its ambiguous stances and the meta-theoretical impossibility of ecologism
The Contemporary Stage of the Okinawa Base Issue
Understanding Post-Cold War U.S. Defense Policy
Dismantling Enemy Images: Women-led Anti-War Movements Against State Narratives
Transitional Justice as Postcolonial Identity- Building Mechanism
Russia’s Security Export: a Tool for Authoritarian Support in Africa
Not A Target
Between guest and intruder: The political agency of the Palestinian community in Lebanon
Women in Terrorism: Motivations for joining the Islamic State
Foreigners in custody
Forces-for-status: The Netherlands’ Contribution to the International Security Assistance Force (2006-2010)
UN Peacekeeping Operations and One-sided Government Violence: Protection Through Partnership?
Splintering Agreements
Dynamics of “Vagueness” in the Life Cycle of International Norms
The Normative Silk Road?
Redefining Disability by Committee
Understanding the nature of a rising political phenomenon
