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  • (-) = Global Conflict in the Modern Era
  • (-) ≠ Thakur, Vineet
  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
  • (-) ≠ 2023

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(1 - 24 of 264)


Middle Power Dynamics in Conflict
Threat Perception and Conflict Escalation: Analyzing the Escalation of the Russo-Chechen Conflicts
When the jihadist is a woman: Framing the western female muhājirat of ISIS in the French media
How do the issues of interests and needs in Northern Ireland exacerbate tensions from the past?
Navigating Hostility
Project Azorian and the CIA’s Intelligence Production
European double standards at the time of the Russo-Ukrainian War and the Israel-Palestine Crisis (2021-2024)
Geopolitics of Conflict Minerals
Understanding J Street in their own words
The Forgotten Way
Responsive Autocracies
Building Bridges: How are grassroot movements attempting to achieve desecuritization in Israel-Palestine?
‘The Bedrock of Our Existence’
Does size matter? Small state influence on middle power states in international relations
“Graffiti Scrawls: ‘This is not your country’”: Belfast Murals as Modern Ideological Battlefields
Unmasking Perspectives: The People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran and Their Depiction of the 2022-2023 Mahsa Amini Protests
Feminist Foreign Policy – A Transformative Policy Framework or an Empty Label?
Failing to Protect the Rohingya in Myanmar
Fight, Flight, or Freeze the Glass Ceiling of Gendered Diplomacy
Governing Rebels in the Syrian Civil War
Clashing Peacebuilding Imperatives? A Discourse Analysis of UNMISS Promotion of Local Peacebuilding and Women’s Participation in Peacebuilding in South Sudan
Plan Colombia and the Neoliberalisation of Life
Weapons of War? - Debating the Practice of Sexualized Violence Perpetrated by Islamist Terror Organizations
Loyal allies or threats to the polity?
