Leiden University Student Repository

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Prevention focus following negative stereotypes: bad for setting high math goals in girls?
The effects of power as responsibility or opportunity on social distance
Honor and dignity cultures: Effect of social reward on trust and cooperation in a negotiation
Working together: How difficult is it for students to collaborate on projects? Collaboration in student pairs make it or break it.
Power, envy and decision making: Low power individuals experience schadenfreude when others make decisions for them
Political Choices: The role of context, conservatism and participation
Restoring honor or losing your dignity
Master Thesis: Women in higher academic positions: The influence of gendered wording in vacancies on the motivation of applicants
Tearing an example down or pulling yourself up
Why so angry? The effects of expressed emotions by constituents on representative negotiation behavior
Students collaboration: Why do they get into conflict and how do they handle it. Comparing male - female students
Sadistic leaders or schadenfroh followers: Study into the effects of power and target identifiability on schadenfreude
Do you like my alcohol post on Facebook: The influence of online interpersonal communication on binge-drinking predictors
Analyzing aspects of coaching in amateur sport teams, and their association with team cohesion and team performance
Playing good cop, bad cop or no cop in social dilemmas: which results in better reputations for a leader and what is the effect of noise?
Morality in actual behavior: The moderation effect of identification with the ingroup and religion on norm compliance
Re-norming deviance: Gender role complementarity and its comfort inducing effect on homonegative people encountering gay couples
Leaders’ self-perceived prototypicality, trust and punishment
More women in science by using neutral language? The influence of gender neutral quality labels on gender bias during evaluation procedures
The effect of leadership in volunteer dilemma's
The effect of apology on forgiveness and retaliation in dignity culture and honor culture
The effect of morality and competence, identification with in-group, and anticipated pride on compliance with in-group norms
Me moral? According to my group I am! Implicit and explicit measure of support for moral in-group norms and the influence of identification and anticipated moral emotions
Flow in groups: Group composition and previous flow as predictors for flow
