Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Methodology and Statistics in Psychology

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Classification Approaches for Data With Class Imbalance and Biased Labelled Sample
The impact of time coding on the growth mixture model with distal outcome
The Effect of Training Dataset Size on the Quality of MRI Site Harmonization
The Effect of Skewness and Error with Discretization on the Predictive Accuracy and Correlation of the Exact Tree
Less is more! Sequential procedures for psychological data
Subspace Independent Component Analysis (SICA)
Mapping the Skill Sets and Knowledge Domains of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Program Graduates in the Netherlands
The missing indicator method for response variables in binary transition models: A simulation study
Multinomial Restricted Unfolding for Multivariate Binary Data
A comparative analysis of MELODIC and LCA performance
Comparing Singular Value Regularization Methods in The MELODIC Family for Simultaneous Binary Logistic Regression in a Reduced Space
The development of cut-off points for multi-dimensional constructs.
A Comparative Simulation Study on the Performance of Nonmonotonic Tests in Psychology
The development of cut off points for multi dimensional constructs
Estimating confidence intervals of proportions and (pooled) risk differences to evaluate human drug safety
Handling Missing Data Using Worst-Case Scenario Imputation
A comparison of machine learning techniques for combining heterogeneous neuroimaging data sources in the context of classifying individual clinical status
As the Twig is Bent, so is the Tree Inclined: Missing Data in Generalized Linear Mixed-Model (GLMM) Trees
Data blinding in practice: a guide to more transparency in psychology research
Statistical Learning Techniques for the Partial Automation of Article Screening in Meta Analyses Pertaining to Psychology
Comparison of Computerized Classification Tests under Item Response Theory and under Stochastic Curtailment for Three-Category Classification.
Random Forest of QUalitative INteraction: Trees A method for patient-level treatment recommendations
Replicating the Uncertain
All-Resolutions Inference as an alternative correction for multiple comparisons in fMRI data: A comparison between methods
