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(1 - 17 of 17)
From Hobby Orientalist to Seeking Prominence: The Life, Collection, and Network of Rudolph Said-Ruete (1869–1946)
The Power of Feminist Documentaries and the Female Gaze: A Case Study on Palestinian Women
Secular and Islamic Feminism in Turkey
How Has Neoliberalism affected Labour and the Social Reproduction of Labour in Egypt?
To Change the Expected? How the Gender Role of Women Developed between the Establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979 and the Green Movement of 2009
The status of Greek women in 1940's, 1950's and 1960's
Permaculture in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria: Ecology as a pillar in the construction of an alternative political society in Rojava
#Defenders_of_ISIS: An Analysis of Online Public Discourse on Iran's Involvement in the Syrian Conflict
Deconstructing Saudi Patriarchy: An Emancipatory Project
Economic Expansion and Democratic Retrogression
Politicians supporting the Syrian opposition or humanitarians helping Syrian refugees? Analyzing the efforts of the al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya to help Syrians in Lebanon
Parliaments and Participation in the Rentier State: the Case of Kuwait and Bahrain
Changing Power Dynamics; consequences of the Syrian refugee crisis for state and citizen relation
Immigration versus Nationalization in a Rentier State: A Case Study on the Relation between the Political Economy and the Labour Market Structure of Kuwait
Does Money Matter in Islam Economics: Gold, Silver, Riba al-Fadl and Riba Nasi'ah
Kuwaiti Relations with Iraq in the post-Saddam Era: Strategic Hedging, Regional Effects & the Structural Power of Small States
Building or destroying a city's identity? Solidere's strategy for the Beirut Central District.