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(25 - 48 of 166)


Russia, the Bomb, and IR theory. Explaining Russian nuclear weapons policy in the post-Cold War era.
The Separatist Perspective: Explaining Regional Autonomy in Indonesia.
The notion of dirty hands: A critical analysis
The Ukraine crisis and game theory
De legitimering van de Nederlandse krijgsmacht na de Koude Oorlog
De positie van de Nederlandse Bank: Over veranderingen in de politieke legitimering
Capture of the Dutch Sustainability Transition: Analyzing the influence of incumbents and challengers
Anti-corruption campaigns and legitimacy: A case study of the People's Republic of China
Legitimering van het vluchtelingenverdrag: Veranderende opvattingen van Nederlandse politici over het verdrag
Deterring the use of child soldiers in Africa: Addressing the gap between the mandate of the International Criminal Court and social norms and local understandings
De legitimering van het Nederlandse kiesstelsel voor de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen
Privacy: Nice to have or a must-have? A comparison of the liberal and communitarian answer
The political psychology of humanitarian issue (non-)adoption in international politics
Legitimiteit & referenda: 'Het referendum is een zaak van een lange adem' - Barend Biesheuvel, 1990
Afghanistan: Negotiations with the Taliban: Analysis of the post-2001 negotiation process through the application of the path dependency theory
License to mock: The influence of cartoons on the evaluation of well-known politicians
Anti-immigrant and anti-Islam mobilization online: Comparing the networks of- and frames on British and German anti-immigrant and anti-Islam Facebook pages.
The development and the politics of land reforms in Namibia
The recognition of Kosovo: A political affair
Parliamentary power and the prevalence of states of emergency: Do constitutional provisions strengthening the hand of the legislature with regard to states of emergency have the effect of restricting their use?
Moslimjongeren over democratie: Een onderzoeksverslag over de politieke socialisatie van jonge moslims op de middelbare school
Intercommunal engagement and Hindu-Muslim violence in contemporary India: The 2013 Muzaffarnagar Riots
While the Dutch slept? The Dutch house of representatives' legitimation of the EU's common foreign policy 1975-2008
Declining party membership: A positive development?
