Leiden University Student Repository

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(145 - 166 of 166)


Towards Authoritarianism, A case study on the influence of Russia on Kyrgyzstan
A Just Distribution of Health: How to Distribute Health Fairly when Resources are Scarce?
De Nederlandse positie ten opzichte van Israël vanaf 14 mei 1948 tot en met 18 januari 2009
Constraints and Opportunities
De houding van de Nederlandse regering en Tweede Kamer ten opzichte van acht Israëlisch-Arabische conflicten
Fragmentation and Committee Work in Dutch Parliament
Schaakspel met de regering
Escalation and De-Escalation in Irregular War: a Clausewitzian Case Study
De Nederlandse missie in Uruzgan - 'Coin gekortwiekt?'
Religious Pluralism: A Study on the Declining Protection of Religion in the Netherlands
Consulting the Commission: Stakeholder Involvement and Decision-Making Efficiency in the EU
The Dynamics of Party-Based Euroscepticism during the Economic Crisis in Greece
The Left-Right Dimension, a Useful Tool for Communication?
Territory or Ideology: Cooperation between Members in the European Parliament Revisited
The Peril of Voice-Seeking in the Ethiopian Multiethnic Context
The Application of the Diversionary Theory in the Imia/Kardak Crisis
Making Welfare Fair: Tackling Corruption and Clientelism within the Welfare Programmes of Developing Countries
Comparative Study: Institutions and Legacies in the Baltic States
Omgevallen: Duurzaamheid van Coalities in Nederlandse Gemeenten
Angry Voters: The Influence of Anger on Voting Behavior in the Netherlands
Youth Interests, Party Manifestos and the Media
Political Trust During The Sovereign Debt Crisis
