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(25 - 48 of 5,160)


On the Arrival of the Economic Missionary
The Politics of High Sea Fishing
The effect of regional human rights declarations on compliance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the case of Syria
Tik tok, tik tok, hoe lang duurt de formatie nog?
Cambridge as a Case Study of Local Abolitionism: 1781-1803
La lengua en las redes sociales como símbolo de unificación y manifestación
Evaluating the ideology of universal emperorship in the foreign policy of the Former Han dynasty
The Meaning of Death for Life
The relation between ALMP's and partisanship
Eastern Orthodoxy in the European Union
Public Attribution: Assigning Blame or Publicly Shame?
The employment of gender and sexuality in the anti-immigration discourse of the right-wing populist party Forum for Democracy (FvD)
The Active Networks of the Iranian Underground-HipHop Scene and its References to Resistance Movements in Iran
Spatial Distribution of Economic Growth in the City Cluster of Chengdu-Chongqing
Having To Act More Masculine To Increase Their Political Power: The Use of Gender-Based Strategies By Female Politicians in the Populist Radical Right
On the singularity of Colonialism
Amending Arguments: The Discourse that Changed a Structure
The Effect of Brand Personality on Consumer Purchase Intention: Morality Dominates Competence in Both Low- and High-Involving Products
Kritiek op de journalistiek: een onderzoek naar hoe Nederlandse journalisten omgaan met kritische opmerkingen en hate speech van buitenaf
The Silent Majority and Illegitimate Structures
Authoritarian Aggression and Democratic Targets
De relatie tussen etnische socialisatie door de moeder en sociaal categoriseren op basis van etniciteit van het kind en de rol van etniciteit.
'Het lammetje dat een varkentje is': een studie naar gendervariantie bij kinderen in de leeftijd tussen 6 en 10 jaar
Hoe kunnen leerkrachten concreet handelen om bij te dragen aan de intrinsieke motivatie van basisschoolleerlingen
