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(1 - 24 of 59)


Big headed children: Using Metrics of the Skull to Estimate Non-Adult Age-at-Death
The DSP method in The Netherlands
A magical interpretation
It’s all in the hands
The Missing Link
Community Archaeology and Climate Change
In search of Bhīmādevī
The Leatherworkers of Oil Street
Give the voice to wood
Dispersion of HIMT glass in Italy between the fourth and seventh century AD
Serendib in the Sea
Minoan and Egyptian beads a comparative study
Sweet Tooth and Status Truth
Botanical Representations in Middle English Romance
Identity Through Apparel
2 Lessons from the deep: a critical analysis of the ‘Missing wrecks of the Java Sea’ case
Finding the 'King' of Alashiya. The Political Organization of Cyprus during the Late Bronze Age (ca.1600-1100 B.C.)
What is in the black box? Assessing the equivalence of different algorithms from similar model components in archaeological agent-based land-use models
FISH IN ‘S-HERTOGENBOSCH- A study of the importance and value of fish in the late medieval and early modern period of ‘s-Hertogenbosch
CHASING THE IMAGINARY - The Classical Past of Ancient Greece: Colonial and National Fantasies
In our own natures frail. Testing the Skeletal Frailty Index on the Dutch (post-)mediaeval urban Eindhoven collection
Reconstructing Death. A reinterpretation of southern Levantine funerary practices between 1100 BC and 100 AD
Dusty Archaeology and Digital Technology
Age-at-Death Estimation using Dental Root Translucency: The comparison of seven published formulae and the development of a new formula using dental root translucency as an age-at-death parameter, based on a 19th-century Dutch sample
