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(121 - 144 of 287)


Geschiedspolitiek: hoe Rusland en de Europese Unie verwikkeld raakten in een memory war over het Molotov-Ribbentroppact
Finding the European Union’s Grand Strategy: Understanding the Commission’s role in formulating grand strategy
Eurosceptic Populism in Hungary: Are Multidimensional EU Attitudes Enabling Democratic Backsliding?
Germany’s European Identity – Discursive Creation and Use of Supranational Belonging and National Delineation in German Politics and Media, 1989 – 2017
EU Conditionality in the Republic of North Macedonia: A Reversed Narrative?
Will Capitalism save Europe and the environment, with consideration towards the EU 2020 Green Deal
Neofunctionalism and External Energy Policy of the EU
European migration policy at crossroads - A legal appraisal of proposed regional disembarkation arrangements in the Mediterranean.
When the giant leaves the party: EU responses to U.S. withdrawal from multilateral treaties
The Netherlands and the role of national parliaments in the EU - a debate about democracy in the Dutch House of Representatives from Maastricht to Lisbon
The European Union as a mediator: Effectiveness of peace-making conditionality
Internationalization of higher education: case studies of Spain and France
Challenges to EU climate politics: the role of member states
The Politics of Transboundary Water Resources. A Case Study of EU Policy Regarding Transboundary Water Interaction in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Migration as a game changer? The influence of migration on the EU-Egyptian bilateral relationship between 2011-2019
Influence of threat perception on EU enlargement: Russia and the 5th wave of EU enlargement
On the Protection of Key Technologies in the European Union from Chinese FDI - a Discourse Analysis
Assessing European Union decision-making: Influence of member-state political debate on the refugee relocation system
Political discourses on the alleged democratic deficit of the EU in Dutch political party programmes
The migration threat without migrants: the case of Poland
#AuNomDuPeuple. The discursive strategy of populist Eurosceptic parties in the 2014 European elections.
Assessing the Impact of the European Union’s Novel Data Protection Legislation on European Transatlantic Competitiveness in the Development of Artificial Intelligence
‘China Threat’ and ‘China Opportunity’ Paradigms Perceptions about Chinese Presence in Central and Eastern Europe The Case of 16+1 Cooperation
The Common Security and Defence Policy: Ready to face challenges?
