Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 22 of 22)
EU-Membership & human rights: a match made in Brussels?
The UN Guiding Principles: Examining the struggle for corporate human rights due diligence
The Impact of Uyghur Human Rights Activism on Dutch Foreign Policy Towards the People's Republic of China
Securitization of human rights in the migration policy of the EU
China's values and the UN - China's reinterpretation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
China and its Human Rights Agenda at the Human Rights Council
Balancing border control with human rights obligations in the EU asylum and migration policy. The case of the EU-Turkey Statement
Migration as a game changer? The influence of migration on the EU-Egyptian bilateral relationship between 2011-2019
Business and Human Rights: Best Performing Multinational Corporations on the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark - A Matter of Litigation?
Immigration detention in the European Union. Analysing the Europeanization of national laws
Beauty or the Beast? The Otherkin and self-identification as challenge to human rights.
The EU’s human rights conditionality, in Honduras, challenged by China’s increasing influence in Central America
The EU - Turkey Statement: A design for human rigths violations?
The Implications of the European Union’s Democracy Promotion on Elections in Hybrid Regimes: A Comparative Case Study of Zimbabwe and Cambodia.
Building bridges across dissimilarities: Women’s activism in Turkey at the heart of the global/local paradox of human rights.
Russian-Dutch Relations: Business as Unusual
Negotiating the Labyrinth: Can human rights organisations continue to work effectively in Russia?
The Force of Human Rights in Act-utilitarianism
Human Rights Promotion through the European Neighbourhood Policy: The Case of Morocco
Cruzando fronteras: de bescherming van mensenrechten van Centraal-Amerikaanse transmigranten in Mexico
Fighting fire with fire: The Buraku Liberation League and the Buraku Master Narrative in the fight for human rights
“A carte blanche to pursue terrorism," Research on Henry Kissinger’s role in the Argentine Dirty War of 1974-1983 and US foreign affairs in Latin America.