Leiden University Student Repository

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Made to shine
The Politics of Water Scarcity: An Analysis of the Israeli-Jordanian Hydropolitical Relationship
The Palestinian Refugee in the Arab Host-State
The Oil of the 21st Century
Zero Hunger: what archaeology can do in the fight for food security
Tell-tale from Transjordan: An Analysis of the Ceramic Repertoire from the Late Byzantine/Early Islamic Rural Site of Tell Abu Sarbut (ca. 600 – 1000 CE)
Remarkably Stable: Legitimation, co-optation, repression and the dynamics of regime survival in Jordan
Part of the Problem, Part of the Solution: The Potential of Green Islam for Environmental NGOs in Jordan
Desert Pots: Studying the technology, morphology, date and distribution of the pottery of the Jebel Qurma region, north-eastern Jordan, from the Bronze Age up until the present
Civil Documentation Strategies in Light of the Syrian Refugee Crisis: A Case Study of Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey
Regulating for Success: Water Privatisation Experiences in Jordan
Ottoman Smoke; The deposition of Ottoman chibouk tobacco pipes in the Jebel Qurma area, Jordan (16th-20th century)
Marking the Black Desert: A Holistic Approach to Wusūm Petroglyphs from the Jebel Qurma Region, Northeast Jordan
Battles in Basalt: A Study of the Weaponry Depicted in the Safaitic Rock Art of Jebel Qurma, North-Eastern Jordan
Syrian Refugees in Jordan
An Edition of Safaitic Inscriptions from Wadi Ghusayn
Understanding the Nabataean House. Domestic Architecture and the Nabataean Society (312 BC - 106 AD)
'The people want to reform the system' - The role of political institutions in Jordan and Morocco (2011-2013)