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  • (-) ≠ Düring, B.S.
  • (-) ≠ Naerebout, F.G.

Search results

(25 - 48 of 74)


Permaculture in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria: Ecology as a pillar in the construction of an alternative political society in Rojava
Private Military and Security Companies: Determining Accountability in the Face of a Crumbling Westphalian World Order
Analyzing the coverage of the Syrian War through the lens of Western Media
The Practical Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine: The Cases of Syria and Central African Republic
An Analysis of Conspiracy Theories in Media Discourses Surrounding Chemical Weapons Attacks in the Syrian Conflict
Whose culture is worth protecting? Cultural cleansing: a case study of the Islamic State
US-Russia Relations in the UNSC through the Lens of the Syrian Conflict
The United Nations Humanitarian Response in Syria
Understand the Effects of the 2011 Uprising on Syrian Civil Society
Shifts and Reorientations: Syrian thinkers and the changing perception about the role of secularism and political Islam in the context of Syrian and Iranian revolutions
Civil Documentation Strategies in Light of the Syrian Refugee Crisis: A Case Study of Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey
Chemical Weapons and the Red Lines of Civilised Warfare
Hezbollah in the Syrian War: Pragmatism in the Party of God
Russia and the Responsibility to Protect norm: friend of foe?
The Syrian Business Elite’s Role in the Syrian Conflict: A class Narrative
Classified Reforms: Social Classes in Syria during the Economic Liberalisation Period prior to the 2011 Uprising
Legalism and Transitional Justice- An Analysis of Legalism within Transitional Justice and its Effects on Preparations for Transitional Justice in Syria
Refugees and Asylum Policies: A Debate on Lebanon's Inconsistencies
Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State: A study of cooperation and competition between terrorist organizations
Drowning in the Desert? The Relationships between Water and Conflict during the Syrian Crisis in the period from September 2012 to May 2017
Arab Spring in Syria: the European Union's response to the Syrian civil war
From Safe Havens to Bloody Battlefields: A Case Study of the Backgrounds and Motivations of Nordic Foreign Fighters in Kurdish Factions in the Conflicts in Iraq and Syria
Obama's policy in Syria
