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  • (-) = Syria
  • (-) ≠ Düring, B.S.
  • (-) ≠ Naerebout, F.G.

Search results

(49 - 72 of 74)


Syrian refugee crisis in a Chinese perspective
Russia's Foreign Policy in Syria: Goals, Implementation and Effectiveness
The Suffering of Syria and the Failure of the Responsibility to Protect
Humanitarian Aid and Peace Prospects: are the Effects more Adverse in Proxy Civil Wars than in Non-Proxy Civil Wars? Case studies of Syria, Vietnam, and Afghanistan
Turkey-PKK peace process: Securitization and three factors for the failure
Russia and Turkey's Conflicting Interests in Syria
Reviewers Sharp as a Knife: The Reception of La Sakakin fi Matabikh Hadhihi al-Madina by Khaled Khalifa
The Impact of the International System on International Civil War: Evolution from the Cold War to the Syrian Conflict
How Did Bashar al-Assad Lose Regime Legitimacy After the Protests in Dara’a While Hafez al-Assad Remained in Control After the Hama Uprising?
Sectarianism in the Lebanese and Syrian Civil War
When pragmatism prevails over principle: the limits of China's non-interference policy
Precious pets, precious pots: Animals in Halaf ceramic art from Tell Sabi Abyad (Syria)
Why Libya but not Syria? How International Relations Theories attempt to help us understand the difference in R2P application
Water as a political tool? Water management in Syria from the advent of Hafez al-Assad to the current Syrian crisis
Saving the Libyans and skipping the Syrians, what’s the deal with that?
The Humanitarian Pretext
Act – React – Impact? The EU as a Global Actor in International Crises
Explaining the puzzle: why did the US not intervene in Syria? Assessing the relative weight of domestic factors and international incentives.
Middle Assyrian jewelry of Tell Sabi Abyad
Antioch the Great: Population and economy of second-century Antioch
Why not in Syria? 'R2P not the rule but the exception'
From Mitanni to Middle Assyrians: Changes in Settlement Patterns and Agriculture in the Land of Hanigalbat
Reaching the tipping point of force in counter proliferation: Exploring conditions leading to the Israeli pre-emptive use of force in Osirak (Iraq) and Al-Kibar (Syria) and its implications for Iran.
Opposition movement in Syria
