Leiden University Student Repository

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Flows of colonial power: water as environmental governmentality in nineteenth-century French Algeria
Flows of colonial power: water as environmental governmentality in nineteenth-century French Algeria
Flows of colonial power: water as environmental governmentality in nineteenth-century French Algeria
Flows of colonial power: water as environmental governmentality in nineteenth-century French Algeria
Flows of colonial power: water as environmental governmentality in nineteenth-century French Algeria
The Oil of the 21st Century
Who Holds the Shovel? Digging into Adaptive Capacities inside Sanctioned Iran
Hydro-Hegemony In The Nile Basin: Egypt's Strategies To (Re-)Assert Its Position
Flowing free? Roman slaves’ access to water as a source for the study of marginalisation
Becoming Acalote: The Performance That Transformed a Road Into a Waterway
Drinking Water: liquid gold of the city. An urban archaeological study of the cisterns in Early Modern Amsterdam (1650-1850)
A Discourse-Historical Comparison of EU’s and Palestinian Civil Society’s Water Development Rationale: Sustainable Development or Sustainable Occupation?
The Organized Hypocrisy of the World Bank
The UV photostability of glycine and its reactivity within a cryogenic water matrix
It is all about the context: Een antropologische blik op privatisering en commodificatie van drinkwater
A water privatization succes story or not? An assessment of the effects of the 1981 Código the Aguas in the regions of Antofagasta and Atacama in Northern Chile
De perceptie van goud en water bij mijnwerkers in Bolgatanga (Noord-Ghana)