Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 20 of 55)


Issue saliency and the welfare state
Digital Diplomacy. How does social media impact the Embassy-Public interaction?
No money, no funny?
Disruption within the EU: A comprehensive analysis into the communication of Hungarian Government ministers
The effect of labour market access on asylum-migration flows; quasi-experimental evidence from Ireland
Can Artificial Intelligence Cut the Gordian Knot?
Public Cloud Adoption in the Dutch Central Government
Why did I receive a parking fine?
The contextual conditionspromoting expert influence inItalian policy advisory systems
Coping in Public Sector Recruitment: The Case of Dutch Municipalities
Sharing is not always caring: Analysis of Airbnb's effect on employment in Amsterdam's tourism industry
Friends or Foes? Exploring the Politics-Administration Interface through the United Nations Secretariat
Waiting at the grave
Trussonomics: An Ideational Explanation of the Policies of the Growth Plan
Reputational pragmatism at the European Central Bank
The Role of Work Flexibility and Diversity in Employee Recruitment: Implications for the Public Sector
Economic Growth & Happiness: Evidence from the European Union
Of rules and trust
