Leiden University Student Repository

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Let’s talk about our feelings!
The Relationship between Sense of Belonging at school and Staff-Pupil Interaction for Pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorder
School participation and psychosocial  functioning in autistic pupils: Exploration of  the possible influence of child, family, and  school factors
Social Attention and Autistic Traits in Children with Sex Chromosome Trisomy (47,XXY 47,XXX and 47 XYY)
Self-evaluated loneliness in primary-school autistic children: the relations with the quality and quantity of friendships
Multidimensional Perfectionism and Test Anxiety in Children
The Role of Perfectionism in Gifted Preadolescents’ Attachment to Peers
Anxiety in the Gifted
The Relationship between Sense of Belonging at school and Staff Pupil Interaction for Pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Is there a relationship between self-esteem and peer attachment in gifted and typically developing children?
Emotieherkenning en sociale competentie bij Nederlandse en Taiwanese kinderen
De relatie tussen de hechting met ouders en het zelfvertrouwen: De mediërende rol van persoonlijkheid
De relatie tussen drinkgedrag, sociale wenselijkheid en angst voor negatieve evaluatie in de adolescentie
