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(21 - 40 of 79)


European Union and Transnistria. Conflict Intervention
Championing the Nation: The Neo-National ideology of the Dutch political party 'Forum Voor Democratie"
Public Opinion and the Brexit Referendum (b)
Het Verenigd Koninkrijk en de Europese Gemeenschap: Een integratiegeschiedenis van Messina tot Brugge
“All history is man's efforts to realise ideals”: de visie van de Valera op de Ierse politieke identiteit, 1916-1939
Britin - De opinies van Nederlandse kranten over de toetreding van het Verenigd Koninkrijk tot de Europese Gemeenschappen, 1969-1973
The heart of an outsider at the heart of the European project. The 1975 and the 2016 referendums: An analysis of the 'Outsider Tradition'on the national and a local level
A Legacy of Exclusion: A Critical Analysis of Felony Disenfranchisment Policies in Great Britain
A Successful Democratic Transition: The Cases of Czech Republic and Poland
The geopolitical challenges in the European Union and Spain: a secessionist mobilization in Catalonia
The Two Faces of Populism: A Characterisation of Populist Discourse and its Relatedness to European Populist Electoral Success
“The Crimmigration Narrative in Contemporary Europe” : a selling strategy by the West- European populist establishment on Facebook and Twitter?
Decolonising Britain. To what extent did the activities of right-wing groups between 1960-1973 indicate a wider British inability to come to terms with the new post-colonial order?
The Securitization of Migration in the European Union
The European Union's Counter-Terrorism Policies: Crisis-Driven or Planned?
Populism and anti-EU discourse
Ierlands kracht wordt in zwakheid volbracht. De legitimering en het mobiliserende effect van de hongerstakingen van Austin Stack, Michael Fitzgerald en Mary MacSwiney in de periode 1916-1923
Managing Internal Disunity on the European Question within the British Labour Party
Ripples From the South Atlantic: Examining the Wider Significance of the Falklands War for the British Overseas Territories
