Leiden University Student Repository

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(21 - 40 of 78)


The Politics of Desirability
Beyond the Will to Improve: The Relation Between Trustees and the Limits and Opportunities it Creates
Refugees in Europe
Twee Werelden: De omgang met dubbele verwachtingen van vrouwelijke adolescenten met een migratieachtergrond
The White Hijab in Dispute: Narratives on Contested Diversity, Identity and Politics of Belonging in Times of Turbulent Minangkabau
Tacit Traces Autoethnography as a Way of Exploring Emotional Landscape
Dakloosheid in Nederland: Het beleid op marginale groepen aan de hand van daklozen
Recognition of the ‘Refugee Crisis’ in Europe: available space for forced migrants
Sexual Existence: The Lived Body Delimited
Governance in the age of the multisector society
The governance of European borders and boundaries
The framing of social movements
Grenzeloze Heritage
Filling the Gaps of a Retreating State: An Analysis of Rotterdam Undocumented Support Center
The O-platz protests; an analysis of refugee rights and policies
‘How the state and publics influence formal and social citizenship’
Migratie: Macht vanuit het perspectief van degenen die er aan onderworpen zijn
'How the State and Publics Influence Formal and Social Citizenship'
