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(41 - 60 of 73)


The Death of a Yogi. The Relation between Yoga, Death and Liberation in Early Śaiva Traditions. With Specific Reference to the Pāśupatasūtra and the Skandapurāṇa
Virtuous Heroines and Exotic Outlaws: The Transculturation of Shuihu zhuan in Late Edo Japan
A Tale of Three Cities Three Case Studies ~ Shangdu, Dadu and Jining during the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368)
Exhibiting an imaginary past:  a case study of the Gallery of the Scene of the Republican Period in the Nanjing Museum
Sikhs in the Netherlands: Dealing with social boundaries and diasporic identity
We are the Chōsen A battle for legitimacy: the Japanese government vs. Chōsen gakkō
An Analysis of Chinese Constitutionalists’ Interpretations of Jean-Jacques Rousseau from 1899 to 1910
State Governance and Japanese Education: Neo-liberal education policy and the practise of resistance
Chinese Local Elites and Institutional Changes
Zhu Xi's Military Thought
The Taipei Tianhou-gong and the Shikoku Henro: A Place-based Approach
"Always the Ugly Duckling, Never the Swan": The Paradoxical Authorship of Murakami Haruki
Accumulating Cultural Capital in Colonial Korea: The Reception of Western Classical Music during the 1920s and 1930s
"1965" in Indonesia today. The politics of memory in post-Suharto Indonesia and the perceptions of the 1965-66 past among high school students in Yogyakarta in 2016
Dry Foreign Fish: Normalizing nationalistic discourse in the Chinese Dota 2 Community
Stories about Ageing: Untold Stories, Unheard voices.
Leadership in a Leaderless movement - How was Leadership in the 2014 'Umbrella Movement' depicted in Narratives of Organizing Activists?
Echoes in Eurasia: the name ‘Tangut’ and the Xixia Tanguts in European medieval and early modern sources, ca. 1250-1750
Seeing Culture by Ear: The Function of Radio Broadcasting in the Socialisation and Cultivation of Two Communities in Northern Japan
The Sound of Salvation: A history of Buddhist temple bells in Song (960-1276) society
