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(81 - 100 of 106)


A satisfied employee performs better: A self-fulfilling prophecy?
Do cognitive load and time pressure influence donating behavior?
The tragedy of the anticommons: The role of sense of ownership in anticommons dilemmas
Willingness to sanction in social dilemmas: The moderating role of legitimate power
Punishments in common resource dilemmas and the effects of accountability
Does perceived (il)legitimacy have an influence on people’s willingness to sanction?
The influence of the trophy effect on behavior in an anticommons dilemma
Delegating sanction power: the use of centralized authorities
Does power make greedy? Effect of power on resource allocation in a social dilemma with environmental uncertainty
The effect of social value in orientation on decision time in social dilemmas
Social status and required number of volunteers as determinants of cooperation in a volunteer’s dilemma
The influence of social status in volunteer's dilemmas
On the consequences of distrust: Examining the responses to being (in)actively distrusted
The effect of leadership in volunteer dilemma's
