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  • (-) ≠ Classics and Ancient Civilizations (research) (MA
  • (-) = 2022

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(4,881 - 4,894 of 4,894)


The influence of age and sleep on visuo spatial working memory.
Angst Verminderen Door Het Uitstellen Van Oordelen
Uitstel van Oordeel als Angst Therapie
(Re)presenting the nation: state building and identity formation in Ben Ali’s Tunisia (1987-2011)
Multiculturalism in South Korea
The effects of foreign direct investment: The role of Chinese FDI in the Brazilian economy and Sino-Brazilian international relations
An analysis of psychological safety in relation to self-determination theory.
Acceptance for the Sake of Acceptance
Young Women and Political Engagement in Nairobi
The Story of Violence and Business in Mexico
A Space for the Unbeliever, Deconversion Amongst American Evangelicals
Patterns in Speech and Music
Kashmir's special status: not so special after all?
