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  • (-) ≠ Cyber Security (MSc
  • (-) = Matthys, J.

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(21 - 40 of 78)


The influence of private military to the public defense sector
Illicit drug trade on dark-web markets
Institutional crises in governmental organizations
Learning to be safe online
Religious Rehabilitation
Deciding on public-private partnership forms in security
The impact of crisis communication on leaders' popularity in the aftermath of terrorist attacks
Organizational failures of foresight and Unawareness of Warning Signals prior to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in 2010
The Failures of Foresight in the Management of Terrorist Attacks: Charlie Hebdo and the Paris Attacks
The Carrot, the Stick and the Hand that wields them: Regulation of Privacy in the Netherlands
Public-Private Partnership in Dutch Cyber Security Governance: An Analysis of its Effectiveness
Soft power, hard power, space power: Space programs of the United States and the United Kingdom
Public-private partnerships in Switzerland: the influence of the political and administrative framework
