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  • (-) ≠ European Politics and Society: Vaclav Havel Joint Master Programme
  • (-) = Developmental Psychopathology in Education and Child Studies (research) (MSc

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(41 - 60 of 137)


Attention During Reading: Children can benefit from distractions
Childcare and bidirectional associations between parent-child relationships and peer-child relationships from preschool to adolescence
Systematisch review van de invloed van mediatization op de identiteitsontwikkeling bij adolescenten
De verschillen in psychologische controle en internaliserende problemen tussen westerse en niet-westerse gezinnen bij jongens en meisjes
Examining social-cognitive factors and intelligence in light of externalizing problem behavior: An application of the SOCIAL-model
Emotional and behavioral problems in children with an extra X chromosome and the relation with parental stress
The relation between executive dysfunctions and social impairments in children with Klinefelter Syndrome and trisomy X: A comparison with autism spectrum disorder
Underlying mechanisms of facial emotion recognition abilities in children at high risk of developing criminal behaviour: executive functioning and attention
Maternal sensitivity and infant negative emotionality: Differential effects on toddler attentional control and self-control
Vulnerability for schizotypal, autism, and ADHD symptoms in children with an additional X Chromosome: Exploring cognitive mechanisms
The relationship between self-regulation and social problems in children with an extra X-chromosome
The technical adequacy of scores from CBM language measures as indicators of foreign language proficiency for secondary-school students
The (joint) influence of children’s stress reactivity and maternal behavioural problems on children’s behaviour in toddlerhood
Associations between maternal reflective functioning and toddler theory of mind: The moderating roles of child temperament and behavioral problems
Visual attention to print during electronic storybook reading with preschoolers: potential effects of text highlighting, print salience and relationships with emergent literacy
Deficits in facial and vocal emotion recognition in children at high risk of criminal behavior: Role of verbal intelligence
Understand my past, to foresee my future: Early life communication as mechanism through which maltreatment may influence later parent-to-child communication
Interrelations between maternal cognition and aggression, parenting, and child cognition and aggression
The impact of executive functioning and empathy on depression symptoms in young adultswith high-functioning autism
Gender differences in ASD symptomatology, social motivation and quality of life: A moderation effect
