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  • (-) ≠ Griekse en Latijnse taal en cultuur (BA
  • (-) ≠ Ham, C.J.M. van der

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(48,521 - 48,540 of 51,116)


Democratic Accountability and Foreign Policy: A Matter of Issue Salience in Public Opinion
Peacebuilding in the Balkans through History Education Reform
Comparative Study: Institutions and Legacies in the Baltic States
De rol van de kerk op het politieke toneel
The Lighthouse of Conscience: A Defense of Liberal Toleration against Appeals to Personal Autonomy
Een Goede Raad?
The Role of Oil in International Cooperation
Mediation's Promise: Multiparty Mediation in Protracted Conflicts
African States in the Conflict of Interests Between China and the EU
The Politics of LGBT Rights: A Comparison Between the United Nations, the OSCE and the Council of Europe
The Impersonated Politician: The Influence of Satirical Impersonations on the Evaluations of  Politicians
'Oryx and Crake' in het licht van Marcuse: het belang van literatuur en filosofie in het onderwijs
The Logic of South American Security Sector Regionalism under UNASUR
On Phronetic Political Judgement
Expert Knowledge in European Informational Lobbying: The (im)balance of Interest Representation
Old MacEurope had a Farm: Establishing the determinants for the allocation of CAP funds.
Why not in Syria? 'R2P not the rule but the exception'
New Environment, Old Fears: The Security Dilemma and the Absence of a Prohibition on Space Weapons
