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Furusato Nozei: Nostalgia Marketing
Uitdagingen bij een ongeplande zwangerschap
Kennis van rekenleerlijnen en didactische modellen bij basisschoolleerkrachten
Uithuisplaatsingen onder de loep: Risicofactoren op moeder-  en kindniveau voor het verloop van een succesvolle uithuisplaatsing
Impacts of Assimilation Policies on Continuity and Adaptation of Ainu Culture: The Indigenous Struggle
Between Belonging and Sovereignty: Identity Work in Curaçao
Memory of the Gwangju Uprising
Exploring the relationship between children's working memory, SES, and ethnic background through Dynamic Testing
The Environmental Movement’s Social Media Strategies: A Case Study Research of Extinction Rebellion UK.
Perceived Victimhood: Understanding Anti-Feminism among Idaenam
Effectiveness of Dynamic Testing of Working Memory in 8- to 9-Year-Olds: Influence of Intrinsic Motivation
Acceptance starts with more contact?
Empowering Change: The Moderating Role of Self- Efficacy on the Relationship Between Campaigns and Food Waste Intentions
