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  • (-) ≠ Pedagogische wetenschappen (BSc
  • (-) = Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (MSc

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(21 - 40 of 532)


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Shifting Sands: An Ethnographic Exploration of Sense of Place and Displacement on the Outer Banks
Between heritage, scale and religion
The othering of Muslims
Minor Disruptions
Role Division and Definition of the Setting in the Environment of the Surgery Room
Creative Communities
And it Sings When the Wind Blows
Krumhuk: Kingdom or Community
Beyond Hooliganism
The Agility and Flexibility of Ondel Ondel
Who Owns the Parks?
Young and Alone: A World of Difference in Loneliness
Gendered Experiences and Homelessness Trajectories
Ash scattering as a ritual process
Echoes of Wilderness
Exploring the changing plant agencies and ontologies, and how they are represented in Blang life world in Jingmai Mountain, China
Home-Making Dynamics Through Socio- Cultural Facets: An Ethnographic Study of Resilience among  Iranian Immigrants and Refugees in the Netherlands
Staying with the Trouble with Wilderness
Cultivating Organic winemaking through affective care: an anthropology of organic winemakers in Marche, Italy
