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(481 - 500 of 532)


We are the History: A Historiographic and Biographic Analysis of Authority and Authorship in South Sudan
External Freedom, Internal Constraints?: Exploring Factors of Influence on Women's Perception of STEM Professions and Career
Invloeden van het geboorteland op het zelfbeeld van migranten: Identiteitsvorming en materiële cultuur van Nederlandse immigranten in Nieuw-Zeeland
'“We used to live like bears in the forest”: The Waterworld of Roma in Dolenjska, Slovenia
Adaptive Culture in Mongolia: The empty-handed state and the resurgence of shamanic heritage
Going Intercultural: An Ethnographic Approach to the Intercultural Co-operations Between Turkey and the Netherlands
The Challenges of Embodying Economic Change: Responses to Localisation Practices in Totnes, United Kingdom
When God is Your Best Friend: Promises of Individuality within a New Religious Movement in Christianity in the Netherlands
Guardians of Authenticity A Case Study of Folklore Ballet Dance Groups in Hidalgo, Mexico
Creating Places, Using Spaces: The Mosque as a sign of preservation and integration
Advertising creation in Costa Rica
The female bartender in Mumbai, India
Urban Mining: A potential opportunity for Modernity in Agbogbloshie
De perceptie van goud en water bij mijnwerkers in Bolgatanga (Noord-Ghana)
Seksueel geweld tegen vrouwen in conflictsituaties vanuit een feministisch Antropologisch perspectief
“Als iedereen voor zichzelf zorgt, wordt er voor iedereen gezorgd” Individualisering van familierelaties in ruraal China
The Volunteers at Hospice Veerhuis
Volkenkunde Museum and Its Visitors
Het onbespreekbare bespreekbaar maken, vrouwenbesnijdenis en preventie in voormalig Somalie
My Home is My Castle: Afrikaans speaking South Africans in the Netherlands
