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(81 - 100 of 2,391)


The digital punishment puzzle: The prevention and escalation effect of digital repression
Welke activiteiten bevorderen leesmotivatie bij bovenbouwleerlingen?
Middle Palaeolithic Quina flake production at Colmont-Ponderosa, South Limburg (the Netherlands)
Identifying the agent of accumulation: zooarchaeological analysis of fish remains recovered from the Upper Palaeolithic site of Les Pedroses in Asturias, Northern Spain.
"Neolithizers by Nurture": A Macrohistorical Contextualization of Agricultural Reform in the Early Anthropocene
Adviesrapport en Individueel Slothoofdstuk
Mapping the Merovingian mortuary landscape
Death and Deposition
Nature as Kin: Reconsidering evidence of ‘incipient agriculture’ in  southwest Amazonia in the early and mid-Holocene
Viking wildfowling
Paving Archaeological Remains into Liveable Heritage
Between River and Sea: Funan's Shifting Role in Mekong delta and South China Sea interaction networks during the 1st to 6th century
De visie van pedagogisch medewerkers van kinderopvangorganisatie Kibeo op genderneutraal opvoeden
Reflections on Hide-Working
Synaesthesia Training for Language Learning: Your Colours or Any Colours?
No significant effect of transcranial vagus nerve stimulation on pupil size: A replication study
