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(41 - 60 of 51,204)


'Waarom zet ik deze video-interventie in?'
Childhood Trauma and Emotional Eating in Anxiety Disorders
The relationship between physically demanding work and health – exploring the influence of lifestyle factors
From Policy to Practice
Feminist Comics Activism Through Graphic Storytelling in Egypt: A Case Study of Deena Mohamed
Verbonden in Zorg: De Ervaringen en Tevredenheid van  Verwanten van Cliënten
Indicatoren voor Lokale Descriptieve Representatie
Op wie kun jij bouwen?
Furusato Nozei: Nostalgia Marketing
Uitdagingen bij een ongeplande zwangerschap
China’s Reaction: Deployment of the South Korean Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System between 2016 and 2017
The Interplay of Descriptive Environmental Norms and Social Connectedness With the Environmental Attitude - Behavior Gap Among Young Adults
Uithuisplaatsingen onder de loep: Risicofactoren op moeder-  en kindniveau voor het verloop van een succesvolle uithuisplaatsing
Controlling Your Destiny in a World Filled with Inequality
Exam Stress, Changes in Food Choice and the Mediating Role of Sleep Quality Among Students
Philosophy in Action: Connections Between Tianxia Thought and China's International Practices
The invisible capitalist prism of racial democracy- encouraging a fractured people under the guise of unity
Understanding Comorbidity in Adolescence
