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(61 - 80 of 2,536)


Who cares?
ISIS and the Iconoclastic propaganda: an image-based analysis
De behoefte van naasten aan informatie over de prognose van ongeneeslijke zieke patiënten met kanker
On National Borders and Women
Het effect van WW-gerechtigdheid  op post-WW werktevredenheid
The role of polarization in the responses to Covid-19 by former president Trump and President Biden.
The Effect of Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation on The Locus Coreulus – Noradrenaline System
Culinary Colonialism
Analysing Russia’s cyber operations against Ukraine:
Eye gaze during a phrase
Defining the future of humanitarian interventions under international law
the return of great power politics
Burden-sharing as a Two-level Game
Prostitutes or Victims?
China in Africa
The Case for the Climate
The Likelihood of Non-Democracies Imposing Counter-Sanctions
