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(101 - 120 of 2,536)


Indigenous Philosophies and their Compatibility with Rights of Nature
The cost of sovereignty
Housewife to Head of State: Female Representation in Latin America and the Caribbean
The role of women in UN peacekeeping operations: How Security Council  Resolution 1325 improved gender mainstreaming
The Greening of Human Rights - Myth or Reality?
Collateral Damages: How the EU's migration policies facilitated autocratization in Turkey
Can we rightfully trade carbon emissions? A closer look at the EU Emissions Trading System
Achieving Tarimiat Pujut and Reclaiming Autonomy in Peru
Discourse at Fault: the Role of UN’s Discourse on Gender in Continued Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN Peacekeepers
Nuanced views on Civil Society
China’s Belt Around Sri Lanka: An Impact Analysis From India’s Perspective
Essentializing the Racially Defined Other.
De Irrationele Stemmer
The regional arena
Riding the Anti-Feminist Wave
