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(21 - 40 of 3,112)


Trapped Populations and the Right to Stay
Empowering Nigeria: Discovering the effectiveness of aid
Targeting the State
#Share #Retweet #Activism: The effects of onlineification on collective action movements
Mobilizing Dissent: The Role of Public Transportation in Non-Violent Movements
The Fertile Grounds of The Human Condition
Freedom to act : how the denial of Arendtian Humanness enslaves individuals into violence
"Dream a little, dream of me", or an argument for the survival of political utopias.
How have human rights norms affected the EU's attitude towards interventionism in third states?
Local Content Requirements and the Renewable Energy Sector: A Comparison of Canada and the UK
The Bargaining Power Boost: Analysing the Influence of Regional Bloc Membership on  Trade Negotiations
PiS in Unpeaceful Times: Exploring Right-Wing Populist Climate Action Amidst a Geopolitical Crisis
A Dark Tale of Capitalism: Individualism, Impotence, and Exploitation of Nature
Too late to respond? Territorial integrity of the European Union and its member states, its long-standing violations resulting from aggression, and self-defence
The politics and policies of global health in the EU
Shaping European Health Policies from below: The influence of the Committee of the Regions
Private actors in space: The pro-commercialization of space strategy
