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(1 - 20 of 1,826)


Global Development Goals in Sub-Saharan Africa, The Relationship between MDG Ownership and Development Progress
Let It Go: A New Way of Looking at Gender Discourse by Breaking the Disney Formula
Strategisch Stiekem
Commune bonum humus Academiae. De dedicato van Franciscus Junius’ Academia in context
Sensitivity study of diffusion-weighted MRI by comparing simulations to fiber phantom measurements
Genustransfer vom Niederländischen ins Deutsche bei Schulkindern mit Migrationshintergrund
Escalation and de-escalation during the Troubles in Northern Ireland
Using polymerizable micro-emulsions for reconigurable colloidal clusters
The Career Choices of the Victorian Sculptor
Developing megahertz-frequency electronics for scanning tunneling
Drivers of Change? The Role of Local Government Associations in Environmental Sustainability Policy
Europeanisation of National Defence Policies
Querido and Maria Dermoût. The development from publisher to friend.
Griekse stemmen
Een foto zegt meer dan de begeleidende woorden
The Unlawful Israeli Annexation of the Occupied Syrian Golan: A Historical and Legal Analysis in the Context of the Ongoing Syrian Armed Conflict
A Dutch Eighteenth-Century Personal Collection of Recipes for the Kitchen and for Humans
Outsiderism: The Origins of an American Tradition
How Westbindung prevailed over Ostpolitik
How has the U.S. Rebalance affected U.S.-Sino Relations in the South China Sea Region?
