Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 13 of 13)
An instrumental variable approach to statistical matching
Is burgerparticipatie een vertrouwensissue?
Issue saliency and the welfare state
From Bones to Histories
Fantastical hillforts and where to find them – Combining object-based predictive modelling and remote sensing for the identification of hillforts
Digital Diplomacy. How does social media impact the Embassy-Public interaction?
No money, no funny?
Disruption within the EU: A comprehensive analysis into the communication of Hungarian Government ministers
The effect of labour market access on asylum-migration flows; quasi-experimental evidence from Ireland
Overheidsresponsiviteit: politieke partijen als gatekeepers?
Can Artificial Intelligence Cut the Gordian Knot?
Improving Performance of Prediction Rule Ensembles with Relaxed and Adaptive Lasso