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(1,461 - 1,474 of 1,474)


Eveningness and cognition/behavior in school-aged children: What is the role of sleep quantity and sleep quality?
Neuropsychological precursors of psychopathology and the moderating/mediating effect of social skills in 4-to-7-year-old children
Neurological and Appearance-related symptoms in children with Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1):  The relationship between NF1 severity and cognitive and behavioural outcomes
Dolle Mina en de Verenigde Staten. Transfer van 'prikacties' (1968-1970)
A colorful picture. Investigating the physical properties of pigments used on Mesoamerican painted objects.
Burned Culture. An osteological research into Urnfield cremation technology and ritual in the South of the Netherlands based upon the Urnfield material of Maastricht-Ambyerveld
Isotopia. Isotopic (δ13C & δ15N) variations along the terrestrial food-chain in the late Pleistocene and early Holocene in North-western Europe: Implications for paleo-dietary reconstructions
Late Republican-Early Imperial Regional Italian Landscapes and Demography
From Manqo Qhapaq to Pachakuti. Myth, History and Politics in Inka Tawantinsuyu
Irrigation. There is more to discover. Archaeological study in the territory of Gadara (Jordan)
Safe-guarding the fourth world. The Hopi calendar through time and space
Perceived Pseudo-Voice: The Detrimental Effects of Perceived Pseudo-Voice on Direct and Indirect Voice Behavior
Taxation in the later Roman Empire
Why people perceive the same conflict differently: A Cognitive Perspective on the Perception of Conflict
