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Activity patterns of a rural and urban environment in  post-medieval Netherlands -  A study between Middenbeemster and Arnhem using osteoarthritis
“You are what you eat” - A regional study on late medieval diet, and how it differs between sexes.
Urbanisation and its impact on the human skeleton: researching the bone morphological differences between Middenbeemster and Zwolle.
Sex, dental caries, and periodontal disease in medieval  Alkmaar (AD 1448 - 1572)
The patterns found within the skeletal collection of Alkmaar on Linear Enamel Hypoplasia
Photogrammetry in Osteoarchaeology
Living with Holes in the Head: A Regional Study on the Nature and Survival Rates of Trepanation in Pre-Colonial Peru
Heavy Work? Body mass and entheseal change in the Dutch Middenbeemster collection.
Stressrelated growth disruption in medieval and post-medieval settlements in the Netherlands
Growing out of it: An osteological assessment of puberty in Dutch post-medieval Middenbeemster, as a proxy for health and disease
Is status everything? A comparison of non-specific stress indicators in high-status and low-status populations from post-medieval London
DEATH INCORPORATED? The osteoarchaeological analysis of four late medieval Dutch skeletal infirmary samples from Haarlem, Delft, Breda and Kampen 1200-1700
Sexual dimorphism in the first proximal hand phalanges of the 17th - 19th century Middenbeemster skeletal collection
The Measurement of Age. Testing the reliability of a new non-adult ageing method in a nineteenth century Dutch skeletal collection
