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(1 - 20 of 31)


Infrastructure Diplomacy: Assessing China-Japan Competition in Third-Country Infrastructure Investments
Does size matter? Small state influence on middle power states in international relations
Sino Japanese interactions in the development of  infrastructure in Southeast Asia: Burning or Building Bridges?
In Nomen Omen
Using the pen as a sword: Analysis of political cartoons about Sino-Japanese relations from the Japanese perspective since the rise of Xi Jinping
The Effect of Identity-Derived Value Competition on Foreign Policy
Lessons learned since the new Disaster Resilience Law of 2013? Comparing the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes and the 2020 Kyushu floods.
The Contemporary Stage of the Okinawa Base Issue
Japan’s Immigration Policy and Public Opinion
Examining the Kantei's leading role in Japan's accelerated pro-Taiwan shift
Sino-North Korean response strategies to the 2017 UNSC sanctions: between acquiescence and cheating
An Indecent Partnership: IUCN and Shell
China's Economic Diplomacy in East-Asia
Fighting Human Trafficking and Violence against Migrants through Better Migration Management? A Critical Account Of the Rabat and Khartoum Processes
Benevolence or exploitation: A positivist analysis of the Sino-Afghan relationship
Breaking the Wheel of Finance, Gendered Narratives by Media Outlets in the Aftermath of the Financial Crisis
The deep-rooted gender inequality: Prime Minister Abe’s power discourse in the “comfort women” issue and womenomics policy
Abenomics, or: How we learned the public to stop worrying and ignore the debt
