Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 19 of 19)
A comparison of self-report and observational measures of parental sensitivity
Aggression regulation in the dlPFC after negative social feedback: Does gender matter?
De relatie van sensitiviteit van de ouder en empathie van het kind tot agressie van het kind
De ontwikkeling van prosociaal gedrag bij jonge kinderen en de invloed van sensitiviteit van de ouder
Influences of non-costly prosocial behaviour in early childhood
De relatie tussen activatie in de mediale prefontale cortex en agressie na sociale afwijzing
Geen relatie tussen secure base script en psychopathologie kenmerken in ouders van tweelingen
The effect of the transition t kindergarten on prosocial behavior in children
The relation between parental sensitivity and inhibitory control in early versus middle childhood
The influence of household chaos and effortful control on inhibition in young children
Influence of impulsivity on cognitive performance
FRN potential differences during the processing of social judgments in young children