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Inceldom as a New Phenomenon and the Potential Threat of Terrorism
An Analysis of Nuclear Acquisition Theory Hedging Strategies
Justifying military force? - The role of Othering in the German plenary debates on the Afghanistan missions
Sex scandals and abuse of office; the makings of the people’s leader?
Hidden lol and hate
A Lack of Organizational Learning from Cyber Attacks
Explaining the change in homicide victimization in the Netherlands in the year 2017
May the Narrative be with you
The EU Joint Framework on Countering Hybrid Threats and its effect on the Dutch approach on Hybrid Threats
Sexual Violence in Conflict: The Case of ISIL and the Yezidi Women in Iraq
Human Trafficking: A comparison between municipalities in the Netherlands
Migration-terrorism nexus: Development in Greece's counter-terrorism policies and practices after the 2015  European migration crisis
Straf of zorg. Politieoptreden bij incidenten waarbij personen met verward gedrag betrokken zijn
Disaster Relief by Air: A Need for More Equipment?
The struggle against jihadism. Rehabilitation and reintegration in European states, a qualitative study
Preventie van radicalisering op middelbare scholen. Willen en kunnen Nederlandse docenten daar een rol bij spelen?
