Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 20 of 45)


The relationship between emotion work and burnout: A study in the Bulgarian hospitality industry
Work ability in individuals with migraine: The influence of social support and coping strategies
The role of social comparison in the effectiveness of psychological care in oncology
The relationship between occupational stress factors and implicit cognitions
The influence of stress and expectations on skin condition
Parental evaluation of care in multiproblem families and the role of communication
A cross-sectional study on the association between employment status and the sense of mastery in relation to BMI
Smoking and socioeconomical status: The effects of socioeconomic status and self-efficacy on smoking behaviour
Work characteristics and the work ability of employees with migraine or severe headaches
Work-family conflict among dual-earner couples: The impact of gender
The antecedents and consequences of telecommuting in two multinational companies
