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(1 - 9 of 9)
Trump as a modern-day 'Cyrus': A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Trump Presidency and his support for Israel
NEW NUCLEAR CONTESTANTS: Comparing the Soviet Union to Iran and North Korea as Nuclear Adversaries of the United States
Covering Concentration Camps: A Study of American Newspaper Coverage of Concentration Camps Buchenwald, Dachau, Mauthausen in 1945-1946.
Comparative study of the ODS and ČSSD government approaches towards US security policy in Czech Republic, 1993-2013
The Evolution of Scholarly Literature on the Role of the United States in the South China Sea Since 201
Bill Clinton: The Legacy of His Foreign Policy
Obedience to Authority in War Tribunals: A comparative study between the Milgram Experiment and the My Lai massacre
The Online Battlefield: Subconscious Persuasion on Social Media during the 2016 US Presidential Election