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The Political Economy of Urban Redevelopment in Southeast Asia: Kampong Bharu, Malaysia
Changing Relations in the South China Sea: Indonesia and Singapore and their Responses to Rising Power China
Indonesia: Debates on Islam and feminism since 2014
Ibu Kota Baru for a New Indonesia. An Analysis of the Project of the New Indonesian Capital through Government Tweets
Public health in Southeast Asia, no smoke without a fire
Portrayal of the Sino-Cambodian relationship in English-language Cambodian newspapers
‘Abandoned Christians’ no Longer: Gender, Cultural Localization and Politics in North Sulawesi between the 1680s and the 1860s
No End in Sight: A Study of Conflict Drivers in Myanmar’s Kachin State 
Thai Traditional Tattooing - Global and Local
Democratic Regression in the Philippines: Ideology and Legitimation
Sexuality and Adolescence in Contemporary Indonesia: What Sex Education do Young Indonesians Receive, Why and With What Consequences?
The Awakening of the Indigenous Rights Movement in Indonesia
Methods to promote a regional identity: A comparison between the EU and the ASEAN
Indonesian  origins  of  the  Malagasy  people: evidence  from  linguistics,  genetics  And  archaeology
Gender representation in Indonesian tobacco advertising
Indonesian Students' Association (PPI) in Netherlands from 1952 to 2015: a Continuing Dynamic
A pesantren for transgenders in the heart of Yogyakarta
“Mirror, mirror on the wall – who’s the fairest of them all?” – Chasing Beauty – the benchmark of exquisiteness: Indonesian contemporary TV whitening advertisements.
Indonesian popular music and identity expressions: Issues of class, Islam and gender
Indonesia's international agreements and the fight against climate change
