Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(41 - 60 of 73)


When does civil resistance work? Exploring the relationship between organization-level factors and the outcomes of civil resistance campaigns
Development disparties in Indonesia: The influence of institutions on the development of Papua and East Kalimantan
“From a Portuguese colony to a “miracle economy””
Tanzania’s strategy for refugees under president Nyerere
Summer in the city of eternal spring: The surprising succes of social urbanism in Medellín, Colombia
China and UNCLOS: An inconsistent relationship
Institution or state-led development? Comparative case study of Rwanda and Burundi
Institutionele verklaringen economische terugval Turkije
Regionale ongelijkheden in Tunesië: een historisch-institutionele analyse
Africa's White Gold: A Comparative Analysis of Anti-Poaching Strategies
Climate Conflicts? Understanding the factors that link climate change to communal conflict in the West African Sahel
Queering Peace Deals and Sustainable Peace
Forced movement of preference orders in a civil war termination process through third-party intervention
The use of mass violence in civil war: A case study of the Armed Islamic Group and the Algerian civil war
Determinants of treaty adoption: The case of the arms trade treaty
Islamic women’s movements strategies in Iran: New opportunities for action under a reformist president?
