Leiden University Student Repository

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Dahl en het kapitaal: Een Marxistische lezing van Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Fantastic Mr Fox en twee filmadaptaties
Living in the Borderlands: Migration, Mestizaje, and Border Identity(ies) in the Narrative Art of Lucia Berlin
Fashion or repression? The changing meaning of the corset between Victorian literature and modern cinema
Badass Muslim Women: Understanding how We Are Lady Parts addresses issues of Belonging, Piety, and Feminism through Punk
Het verleden herlezen
The Art of (Re-)Learning to Read
Faerie Tales: A Literary Experiment
Daughter of Time
Creating LGBTQ+ Representation
In the Heart of the Hidden Figures: The alteration of representation in young readers’ editions of adult nonfiction novels
Reading Women’s Suffering in Pop Culture Dystopian and Sci-Fi Narratives
Lessons in Unlearning: Philosophy and Poetry in Wittgenstein and Pessoa
Write Me, Read Me, Destroy Me: Turkish Translations of Allen Ginsberg's "Howl"
Posthuman Anxiety: The Fear of the Loss of Humanity
Peeling the Orange: An Intertextual Reading of Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
Zichtbare sluier, verhulde stem. Moslimvrouwen in vertaling, hervertelling en fictie van Kader Abdolah
Obey and Behave. Representations of Womanly Behaviour in Late 16th and Early 17th Century English Plays
Catharsis in een modern perspectief
