Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Kuil, M.N.A. van der

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(1 - 17 of 17)
Navigation ability problems in multiple sclerosis patients
De invloed van stereotypering op navigatievermogen bij mannen
The relation between route order memory and working memory in healthy participants and stroke patients
Stereotype threat effects on navigation performance in women
The impact of substance use on moral evaluation and psychopathic traits in multi-problem young adults
What is the relation between self-reported sense of direction and navigational strategies?
How to improve performance on spatial ability in men and women: By negative or positive manipulation
The association between social cognition and overall cognitive functioning in glioma patients
Immersive VR is not beneficial for route and survey knowledge tasks compared to a 2D-display
The effect of stereotype threat on navigational self-efficacy beliefs and performance in women
Investigating the influence of visuo-spatial working memory on navigation abilities
The effect of body position on event-related potentials
Time perception in virtual reality